Wow, this is a wow. She appears to be stepping directly out of the past and into your life, while contemplating the move. I love this. Your work is so inspiring. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
This is pure class, very sophisticated carries an almost intellectual bent (yes I think it does), cosmopolitan, earthy ,cool and very sexy plus she emanates the energy of a very nice person, with a genuine smile. This is a unique portrait and my favourite colour is red which I never see in professional portraiture. This is a burst of life coming through and I love it. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
Very truthful. You have the eye to bring out hidden qualities in your gorgeous models. It elevates them past their beauty into a more transcendental realm and that takes talent. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
Now this is dynamite . Your model is gorgeous. She looks like she just sat down beside her car to take a break, saw you going by and smiled hello. She exudes confidence , absolutely no fear because she is the dominant one. and puts across a "don't mess with me attitude". You have caught that light in her eyes that tells the world she is the master of her own destiny. Igor you don't just take portraits. There are a few who have the ability to draw out just enough of one's soul to create art that will last long past the period in which it is shot. I find your work inspiring and makes me want to work harder. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
This is glorious. You have given her an aura of ancient wisdom. She has a gaze that penetrates yet a very small and sweet smile giving assurance of her goodness while she offers this gift to you. This is a WOW, very spiritual picture. I love it. Once again I find your work inspiring. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
The model is gorgeous, she's perfect and your use of colour is so alive. A lot of photographic colour is beautiful but static. Not yours. Your colour talks |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
..The wedding portrait is fantastic. You're brought together and old world look of this couple into today which captures an essence of soul connecting commitment that is difficult to find in today's world. It is very touching. To many of today's wedding portraits are glassy and slick. I hope you get what you are worth becasue this is the kind of portrait that lasts for the century, giving inspiration to those who view it in later years.. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
I absolutely love this. It's a classic. The model doesn't look posed, she looks like she is watching you with interest while she just happens to be there. That says a lot for the model and you for being able to take a posed picture and make it a part of life happening. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
I love this, it is coquettish and impish.. You have caught their playful nature and exuberance in an almost Søren Kierkegaard type of existential youth life style. This is a winner. As said before Igor, I find your work inspiring. Your approach to the camera is as if it is a magical eye into the unknown showing you an entire new world of which you were not aware and because you approach it in that manner, you find it. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
The umbrella appears to shade her thoughts which are so voluminous that she can not contain them.This is a great model, pensive, reflecting real emotion while she stands inside of the world and yet apart from it. Igor I seriously find you very inspiring. You catch so many moods that would be fleeting had you not exposed them and therefore frozen them in time. Having a good eye is one thing but you do more than that. I see this as creating "philosophical art". If this isn't a Jon Paul Sartre moment, I don't now what could be. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
This is the best example I have ever seen in a swimsuit portrait. Your model is of course gorgeous. However you have turned a swimsuit portrait from total focus on the physical aspects of beauty into her relationship with the water. Your work never ceases to amaze me. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
This takes me into 1950s Italy actually feeling the spray of the fountain. This model owns the world around her and you have caught that confidence. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
I love this, real people, real life, timeless quality, affection and such a sense of spirituality. You capture it Igor in the most unlikely people and places, thus uis real America. I love this, love, love it. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
You have captured her glowing spirit from the inside,radiated it outward and transformed her into a timeless and universal work of art. She is "everygirl". She is who every girl wants to be, she is who every artist wants to portray, she is every woman's reflection of their youth and you have captured a sense of immortality. There is no one in this area better than you. They don't exist. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
https://scontent-bos3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/21317420_887684561382816_6553182845168011489_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=TmNwstWpDiEAX-iNaqr&_nc_ht=scontent-bos3-1.xx&oh=779a9cc5effb65a1a3d6f65f0a46803f&oe=5F97EFC5 |
This model is one of my favourites of yours. The emotion in her soul with an appreciation of life,understanding the beauty of both the difficult and the positive shines thorough in her countenance and......she is beautiful And yet you have to have an artist that that can bring that out. You're the best Igor. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
I love this portrait setting as opposed to a studio or out in the woods where they would never go. This focuses on their life bringing it into the portrait creating real memories and I equally love the expression on the baby's face. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
What a beauty ! Her eyes seem to dare you to look inside as if there is anther world in them that she refuses to reveal. Her confidence is so strong that she becomes a world in herself. The backdrop looks as if this world has opened for one brief moment in time for us to look at it but not allow us to enter.. Igor, You take pictures not just of scenes but you capture the spirit, bringing it out for to others to see. I find your work inspiring. There is a uniqueness in it that I have not seen in others. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
This is more than a photograph.. It is more than simply her beauty. It is the essence of her being that your model has allowed you to capture. She radiates a strong, confidence in who she is, tolerating no interference from anyone and deciding on who she allows to see that. You simply have the ability to reach into the soul , draw a little of it out and make it art. Red (my favoruite colour) can be powerful and beautiful or destabilizing. You make it spiritual. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |
Igor you don't just shoot "glamour" shots, you create 'Glamorous Elegance". You finds the inner elegance in everyone and brings it out to meet an outer glamour. I never liked Glamour shots until l I saw yours for glamour isn't just cosmetics and clothes but equally inner spirit.. |
Dolly Miller-Brennan, Owner/Photographer at Brennan Artography |