Igor Photo
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 Business Portraits Testimonials

Thank you very much for that wonderful picture you did for my facebook and webpage. I am very happy I picked you to do it.

Igor Stavitsky, MD.

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Igor took photos for my web site and he did really marvelous job. I do really appreciate his service, which was great and extremely affordable. Thank you, Maestro.

Boris Balson, MD

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I am very pleased with having you as my prime portrait photographer. You were always on time and took a lot of good photos. You are a good communicator, and I am by large satisfied with the job you do. Photos are always very nice and creative, getting a lot of positive comments on Facebook. I would not hesitate to recommend Igor Photography, for any photographic needs.

Marina Van Winkle, Ballet Dancer and Teacher, Providence, RI

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I would like to thank Igor Photography for helping me with pictures for my business profile. Igor showed his professionalism and dedication. We took a lot of good pictures. I had more than plenty of great pictures to choose from. I am now using these pictures for my business LinkedIn and Facebook profiles. I want to highly recommend the work of Igor Photography. I will be coming back for more professional pictures this year!

Dmitry Frenklakh, Financial Adviser, Newton, MA

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